
Three letters from Robert Stephenson to Captain Constantine Moorsom

Account of the construction of the Morley Tunnel, Leeds Dewsbury & Manchester Railway

Letters patent granted to Thomas Clarke and John Varley for 'An improvement on the atmospheric system of propulsion which is also applicable to other motive purposes'

Melksham Turnpike Trust

Volume entitled: "Arrete du Ministre des Travaux Publics portant reglement pour l'Ecole Nationale des Mines, Paris"

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Manuscript entitled: "Catalogue of the Apparatus of Philosophical Instruments, in the Collection of Her Late Majesty Queen Charlotte, at the Observatory at Richmond in Surrey"

Difference Engine index of parts.

Index of Difference Engine No. 2

Plan of Difference Engine No. 2. Tracing of BAB A/164.

Digit counting apparatus on the two upper wheel selectors.

Store variable selectors. Superseding drawing No 2.

Motion for carrying the tens, plus and minus.

A draft drawing labelled 'Sheet 3', showing card adding axis, mill adding axis, figure wheels, warning bar and lever and tens lifting slide.

General plan and detail of the driving of the calculating part of Difference Engine No. 2. Tracing of BAB A/161.

End view and side elevation of driving and lifting apparatus.

Lifting apparatus by screw. Sheet 9.

Carriage and racks in sections. Sheet 10.

Side and end elevation of feed motion with shade. Second revision.

Sections of framing and racks. Sheet 6.

Apparatus for registering the quotient adapted to Plan 28a.

Side and end elevation of feed motions. Showing the bands in different colours.

Reverse motion for cross planing.

Back and end elevation of cross slide.

Side and end elevations of feed and driving apparatus

Small planing machine. Sheet 1.

Elevation and section of cross slide.

End and side elevation of Large Universal Machine.

Plan, elevation and section of cross slide.

Plan of left half of middle group for General Plan 28.

Plan of Large Universal Machine.

End view of inking printing paper and stereotyping apparatus. Tracing of BAB A/172.

Untitled plan and elevation. Incomplete.

Plan of mill, table wheels and carriage. Sheet 31.

Adding column with motion for changing from plus to minus. Incomplete.

Platform raising apparatus. Sheet 33.

Untitled. A model of six cages was made from this drawing. Incomplete.

List of plates.

List of sizes of the notations of the Analytical Engine.

Catalogue of the drawings of the New Analytical Engine.

My Machine 1888 II Plan of driving cams, levers, etc. in initial position.

My Machine 1889 III Development of driving cams.

Plan of part of framing of Drawing 161. Tracing of BAB A/161.

Part of framing shown on 160. Tracing of BAB A/160.

Elevation of part of framing of Drawing 160.

Pages 139 and 140 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 137 and 138 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 197 and 198 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 195 and 196 of Alfred Kitching's diary

Pages 213 and 214 of Alfred Kitching's diary